4 Steps to Teach Your Children Time Management Skills Easily

4 Steps to Teach Your Children Time Management Skills Easily
This is something we grownups figure out too late in life.
Therefore, it becomes really important to teach your children these skills while they are growing.
Below are some useful steps you can follow to ensure your child learns it naturally:
Start Small:
It’s a human tendency that we try to get everything in no time. Remember, your growing children are like clay, the way you handle them, they will modify precisely in the same way. That’s why we believe that parenting is one of the most important things.
So, instead of trying to make your child learn everything from the very first day, you must focus on building his habit. And to develop a habit, you must start small.
Here is what I mean:
Pick up a small activity like keeping books in the bag for school, filling the water in the bottles, brushing teeth, finishing the food, or getting ready in a certain amount of time. Remember to choose not more than 3-4 things in the starting when you are trying to teach your children time management skills.
Engage in Fun Activities:
Now, as you have already decided what those small activities are going to be, you need to think of some creative ideas. Nobody likes to do something which seems boring unless one is obliged to do so. Like in a job.
Give them colourful sticky notes and get them to write their tasks (studies and fun), what are pending, what will they be doing today and what not to forget!
You can also have small competitions that who will finish brushing first, fill the bottle or eat food in 30 minutes?
A completion is really exciting for children, and they are more likely to participate in that.

Keep the below two points in mind to make this competition effective:
1. Time Is Important in Time Management Skills
Your children will not do anything if you just tell them: “Do this on time.” Or “Complete this in 30 minutes.” They might know how to see/tell the time, but they don’t understand what fifteen minutes, thirty minutes or one hour feels like.
To help them in that use a timer or I’ll suggest buying/making an hourglass.
2. Reward
A competition will be no more than a mundane activity if there is no reward. A reward doesn’t necessarily have to be a huge thing. You can decide it to be as small as a bar of chocolate/ice-cream. Even doing something which they like along with them for more time.
For Example:
If you decide the activity to be eating on time. Now say: “There’s chocolate, if you finish this before the sand finishes in that hourglass (some hourglasses are for less than an hour too.), you will have that chocolate, else I’ll have it. Are you ready?”
Prepare a Time Table:
Once your children start catching up with these small activities, gather with all the family members and make a ‘Time Table’ individually. Use crayons and help them draw some of their favourite cartoon characters too. This will make it sound exciting to your children.
Help them to include wake up time, doing brush, eating food at certain times, preparing bag, and doing homework before sleeping at night. Don’t forget to help them include playing time too.
Reflect What You Teach:
While you want your children to learn these habits, they will learn more from people around them. So, if you commit to doing something at certain times, keep your promise and never extend anything even if you feel like they should spend some more time on something. It’s more important to show, what you want to teach them than to teach it verbally.
Time management is nothing short of self-management. Ensure that kids learn the importance of discipline, focus and time at an early age. This will help them succeed their personal and professional lives.
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